

What are the check-in and check-out times at Grand Kingsgate Waterfront?

At Grand Kingsgate Waterfront Check in time is 14:00 hrs and check out is 12:00 noon.

What is the address and contact information of Grand Kingsgate Waterfront?

Please find the Location and Contact Information of Grand Kingsgate Waterfront below:

Address: Al Jaddaf Area, Building No # 24, P O Box 89029

Contact number: 00971 44382888

Contact Email: h1020.res@millenniumhotels.com

Does Grand Kingsgate Waterfront have on-site parking?

Yes at Grand Kingsgate Waterfront hotel on-site parking is free for Guest staying in-house. No electric car chargers.

What type of room can I book at Grand Kingsgate Waterfront?

At Grand Kingsgate Waterfront you can book Standard, Deluxe, Family and Executive rooms. There are a total of 120 rooms. Half board, Full board and all-inclusive options are available at an additional cost.

Is Grand Kingsgate Waterfront suitable for people with disabilities?

Yes, our disabled rooms have the accessibility for wheelchairs.