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Good hospitality and service 10/10 星级

Our flight was canceled and the airline put all 190+ passengers here for the night. I was impressed by the efficiency and warmth of the staff, especially considering that some of them were called back from home in the middle of the night! Facilities were lovely as well. Thank you staff and management for making a less-than-ideal situation into an enjoyable stay. Would come here again.

Joanne Y
Joanne Y
| 2016/12/19
成都新东方千禧大酒店坐落于繁华热闹的市中心,入住于此的宾客可轻松前去观赏大熊猫、领略川剧的奥秘、尽享购物之乐或攀爬中国四大佛教名山中最为巍然高耸的峨眉山。 酒店拥有 359 间俯瞰神仙树公园的雅致客房与套房、设施完善的会议室、氛围时尚的琥珀西餐厅以及供应地道中餐的逸品中餐厅。 成都新东方千禧大酒店为您打造舒适居住体验,让您尽情体验难忘探索之旅。