ماي ميلينيوم

Services and Facilities

Does Millennium Plaza Doha have a swimming pool?

There is an outdoor pool available at Millennium Plaza Doha.

Opening times: 09:00AM - 21:00PM

Pricing: QAR 75 per adult. QAR 40 for children from 12+

Does Millennium Plaza Doha have a gym or fitness facilities?

Yes Millennium Plaza Doha does have gym and fitness facilities.

Opening times: 09:00 AM - 21:00 PM

Does Millennium Plaza Doha have a spa?

Yes, the Spa at Millennium Plaza Doha is open daily between 10:00am to 00:00 am.

Does Millennium Plaza Doha have meeting room facilities?

Yes, at Millennium Plaza Doha there are venues available for business and private functions, banqueting rooms, boardrooms and meeting rooms for all purposes. All with the latest technical equipments.

Click here and learn more about our venues at Millennium Plaza Doha.