Copthorne Hotel Manchester
会場 Heritage Suite
Located on the ground floor, the self-contained Heritage Suite has its own reception area, private bar, cloakroom and facilities. Our largest venue, it also has convenient access for loading and unloading, which makes it ideal for conferences, exhibitions, and receptions.
  • 面積: 148 sqm / 1593 sq ft
会場 McCallum Suite
With its distinctive semi-circle layout, the McCallum Suite is an ideal choice for seminars, small conferences, or board meetings for up to 20 guests. It is also full of natural light, which brightens it up for greater productivity.
  • 面積: 53 sqm / 570 sq ft
会場 Regent Suite
When combined with Kings, the Regent makes up our largest venue, the Heritage Suite. This affords it with plenty of flexibility, and makes it an ideal syndicate space next to the main event room.
  • 面積: 74 sqm / 796 sq ft
会場 Kings Suite
When combined with the Regent, Kings makes up our largest venue, the Heritage Suite. This affords it with plenty of flexibility, and makes it an ideal pre-dinner reception area next to the main event room
  • 面積: 74 sqm / 796 sq ft
会場 Lower Quays
Located at the front of the waters, Lowe Quays is a fantastic venue for small dinner parties, or even a wedding breakfast. It offers a gorgeous view, and opportunities to take drinks pre-meal out on the quayside.
  • 面積: 25 sqm / 270 sq ft